According to the public relations office of Qom Industrial University, Dr. Jalal Rezai Noor has been appointed as a "Member of the Family Council of Industry, Mining, and Trade (IMT) of Qom Province and Advisor to the Director General of IMT of Qom Province" by the order of Dr. Abedali.
The text of this appointment states:
Considering your qualifications and valuable scientific and executive experiences; you are hereby appointed as a member of the Family Council of IMT of Qom Province and as my advisor. Providing scientific advice for strategic planning and guiding the industrial development of the province in line with its spatial and cultural capacities; resolving the issues of industrial units; enhancing the collaboration between industry and academia; utilizing new technologies and artificial intelligence in the province's industries, etc., are expected.
It is hoped that with the assistance of the Almighty God, you will be successful and supported in achieving the goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran and in contributing to the scientific advancement and industrial progress of the province.