According to the Public Relations Office of the university: Dr. Rezaei Noor, the President of Qom University of Technology, and Hojjatoleslam and Muslims Ghorbani Mobin, the head of the Office of the Supreme Leader's Representation, met and discussed with the student organizations of the Islamic Society and the Islamic Association.
Dr. Rezaei Noor emphasized the importance of unity and solidarity among the organizations and the need to distance themselves from distractions. He also considered the academic community at Qom University of Technology to be like a family and added: If there are issues or problems within the university, these matters should be resolved internally.
The President of Qom University of Technology regarded the Student Basij and Islamic organizations as the driving force of dynamism and vitality in the university environment and stated: Thankfully, very positive changes have been made at the university, including attracting benefactors to assist the Office of the Supreme Leader's Representation at the university, the establishment of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and a sports hall that has been a necessity for the university. Given the tireless efforts of university officials to improve educational, research, welfare, and other facilities, students, especially student organizations, are expected to align and cooperate with the officials for the growth of the university, so that issues and problems can be resolved more easily and quickly.
He added: Based on the planning carried out, if budget allocation to the university is approved, by constructing 10 classrooms adjacent to the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering and relocating the Faculty of Technical and Engineering there, in addition to concentrating the three faculties of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical and Engineering, and Basic Sciences together, a larger space can be dedicated to student organizations.
The students also expressed their gratitude for Dr. Rezaei Noor's efforts in creating a vibrant and lively academic atmosphere and diligently pursuing the resolution of student problems, identifying the primary concern of the students as the construction of the main campus of the university.