According to the public relations department of the university: The Student Commission of Qom Province was hosted by Qom University of Technology, attended by Mr. Hashemi, the Deputy for Political, Security, and Social Affairs of the Governor, Engineer Sijani, the Head of the Industry, Mining, and Trade Office, along with the heads and representatives of the universities in Qom.
Initially, Dr. Rezai Noor welcomed the activities carried out at Qom University of Technology in preparation for hosting students for the new academic year.

He stated that the establishment of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, which increased educational space by 30%, the establishment of the Shahid Shahriari Sports Hall, the construction of the Shahid Moshkaveh Al-Sadat Library, and the establishment of Informatics Workshop 2 were among the measures taken for the well-being of students at the beginning of the new academic year.

Additionally, to enhance the spirit of vigor and camaraderie, initial steps have been taken for the construction of an artificial turf field.
Referring to the comprehensive equipping of dormitories, he stated that through negotiations, 30% more dormitory space has been added, allowing us to provide dormitory facilities for all requesting students.

The President of Qom University of Technology said concerning the number of students at this university that Qom University of Technology is currently active in 23 fields with two thousand students and 57 faculty members, and plans to host 3,000 undergraduate and graduate students by the year 1400. He added that given the expansion of the university, a feasibility study for the 9-kilometer land has commenced, and we have established the Foundation of Benefactors of Qom University of Technology.

Dr. Rezai Noor emphasized the importance of Qom University of Technology and requested more support and assistance from provincial and national officials for allocating construction budget lines for the construction of a new building for the Faculty of Engineering.
Mr. Hashemi, regarding the relationship between industry and academia, said: Industry must reach out to universities. If we want a successful and progressive industry, we must strengthen the relationship between industry and academia.

He added that experienced professors can assist industrialists even in issues such as cultural promotion, marketing, and recycling.
The Deputy for Political, Security, and Social Affairs of the Governor, referencing the year 1395 designated by the Supreme Leader (may his shadow last) as the year of Resistance Economy, added that the year of Resistance Economy requires the collaboration of industry and universities. Therefore, planning based on a Resistance Economy from the universities and actions from the industry must be established.
He noted that given the presence of outstanding professors in universities, the committee on industry and academia should be taken seriously. Knowledge from universities and experience from industry will shape the growth and prosperity of the economy.

Continuing, Dr. Rasti, the manager of industry relations at Qom University of Technology, remarked on the provincial Industry Relation Committee: Since the establishment of this committee in 1396 and its secretariat assigned to the President of Qom University of Technology, this university has implemented the Industry Partner program, held meetings regarding the interactions between university and industry, and developed the industry relations website at a level higher than similar sites such as those of Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran University, and Sharif University of Technology. We have also signed research agreements with the Industrial Towns Company of the province and fulfilled part of our mission in this regard.

The manager of industry relations at Qom University of Technology announced the preparation of an industrial booklet for the province by this university, stating that this booklet compiles all research needs in the industrial sector which can greatly assist in enhancing the relationship between industry and academia.
Engineer Sijani, the Head of the Industry, Mining and Trade Office of the province, regarded building trust between academia and industry as very important and added that in order to establish a two-way relationship between industry and academia, relevant meetings should be held in industrial units.

He considered some local industrial clusters in Qom Province, such as Sohan making, stone cutting, carpet weaving, and the shoe and slipper industry, to be very important and revenue-generating.
He added: A cultural working group to support production has been established in the province, and universities can significantly assist the industry and economy of Iran by creating a culture of support for Iranian goods and domestic production.
This meeting concluded with a review of the universities' situation for the new academic year, student dormitories, student meals, etc.