According to the university's public relations: As part of the planning regarding the diagnosis of issues and the improvement of existing processes and procedures at the university, as well as the diligent and direct follow-up to address student problems, Dr. Rezai Noor, the President of Qom University of Technology, visited the Freedahgan Sisters' Dormitory on Friday, without prior coordination.

During this visit, Dr. Rezai Noor directly learned about the problems, suggestions, and criticisms of the students.
The students expressed their issues in the areas of welfare, amenities, and education. Among the students' problems were the lack of transportation means during the end of classes from 5 to 7 PM, the absence of a sports hall in the dormitory, the entry and exit times for students, classroom ventilation, issues in the students' educational portal for course selection, and adding and dropping courses, etc.
At the end of the visit, the President of Qom University of Technology, while promising assistance to resolve the existing issues and deficiencies, stated: The officials of Qom University of Technology will make every effort to resolve the existing problems in the shortest time possible. He also considered the empathy, cooperation, and coordination of students with the officials as a catalyst for expediting the resolution of current issues and added: God willing, with divine support and your cooperation, we will witness the resolution of the existing problems and deficiencies, and I will pursue addressing the mentioned issues with the relevant officials.
It is noteworthy that to directly inform the officials of the university about the problems and concerns of the students, Dr. Rezai Noor announced that more officials would be present in the student dormitories.