Message from the President of Qom University of Technology on the occasion of celebrating Government Week and Employee Day

According to the Public Relations Office of the University:  Dr. Rezaei Nour, the President of Qom University of Technology, congratulated the arrival of Government Week and Employee Day in a message.
The full text of this message is as follows:
In the name of God
Government Week is an opportunity to honor and celebrate those who serve the people and the revered martyrs, Rajai and Bahonar. Government Week is a symbol of unity between the people and the Islamic government that has brought progress and strength to our beloved Iran. Therefore, each year, the first week of Shahrivar (September) is designated as Government Week, and September 4th is celebrated as Employee Day.
Undoubtedly, the success and advancement of any organization rely on the expertise, commitment, and capability of its human resources, which ensure the organization's growth through their selflessness and continuous effort.
In conclusion, while honoring the memory of the high-ranking martyrs of the government, especially Martyrs Rajai and Bahonar, I extend my congratulations on Government Week and Employee Day to all government officials and dedicated employees, particularly the staff of Qom University of Technology, and I pray for your continued progress from the Almighty God.