According to the university's public relations office, Dr. Rezaei Noor, President of Qom University of Technology, expressed his condolences to the noble people of Iran following the terrorist attack on the holy shrine of Hazrat Shah Cheragh (PBUH).
The text of this message is as follows:
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The terrorist attack on the holy shrine of Hazrat Ahmad ibn Musa al-Kazim Shah Cheragh (PBUH), which resulted in the martyrdom and injury of several servants and visitors to this sacred shrine, has once again plunged Islamic Iran into mourning.
The sworn enemies of our beloved Iran expose their impotence and inability against the noble and martyr-loving people of Islamic Iran by shedding the blood of innocent people, for they know they lack the power to confront a strong Iran.
I extend my condolences for this tragic incident to the esteemed families of the martyrs, the Supreme Leader, and the noble people of Iran, and I pray to the Almighty God for a swift recovery for the injured in this event.