Congratulatory Message from the President of Qom University of Technology on the Occasion of the Beginning of the New Academic Year

2b834a055cfc4ce69aa25382b3d09163  Congratulatory message from the President of Qom University of Technology on the occasion of the new academic year

 In the name of God

“Allah elevates those of you who believe and those who have knowledge to high ranks.”
God raises up among you those who have believed and He grants immense degrees to those who possess knowledge. (Part of verse 11 of Surah Mujadila)

The beginning of the month of Mehr marks the start of a season of learning, awareness, development of knowledge, and progress. Given the directives of the Supreme Leader (may his shadow be long) regarding independence and self-sufficiency in Islamic Iran, the responsibility of the academic community is now more important and critical than ever before. Today, Islamic Iran requires committed, revolutionary, and skilled young people to ascend to heights of progress and power. At Qom University of Technology, with experienced professors, well-equipped laboratories, and workshops, along with the support of university officials, the environment for research, study, and advancement is ready. Considering that Qom province is regarded as one of the major industrial hubs of the country, professors and students must be active and diligent in the development, growth, and flourishing of the province's industry. While commemorating the Sacred Defense Week, I extend my heartfelt congratulations on the start of the new academic year to the dear students, esteemed professors, and dedicated staff of Qom University of Technology, and I hope that with the help of the Almighty, you achieve success and excellence in acquiring knowledge and virtue.
                                                                                                                               Jalal Rezaei Nour 
                                                                                                                               President of Qom University of Technology