Message from the President of Qom University of Technology on the Occasion of Commemorating the Day of God, 12 Farvardin

According to the university's public relations office: Dr. Rezaei Nooreh, the president of Qom Industrial University, issued a message commemorating the Day of God on April 1st. The full text of this message is as follows:
April 1st is a lasting epic of the honorable nation of Iran, where their conscious participation in the referendum of April 1979, with 98.2% voting in favor of the Islamic Republic, showcased to everyone the victory of truth over falsehood.
April 1st is the day of the manifestation of unity and faith, the reflection of the greatness and will of the righteous and aware nation of Iran, who responded to Imam Khomeini (RA) with a resounding yes and created an unparalleled epic, eternally securing the independence and freedom of Islamic Iran.
Today, the sacred system of the Islamic Republic of Iran owes its power and resilience in the world to the blood of martyrs and the enlightening guidance of the Supreme Leader (may his shadow last long). Undoubtedly, every Iranian, in every corner of this pure land, must contribute to the glory and greatness of Iran by preserving and safeguarding the ideals of this sacred system.
I, while honoring this great day and offering condolences on the martyrdom of Imam Musa Kazim (AS), hope that under the blessings of the Awaited Imam (may Allah hasten his reappearance) and by following the guidelines of the Supreme Leader (may his shadow last long), we witness the comprehensive advancement of our beloved country with increased self-belief and self-actualization.