A special mourning program for the Arba'een of Hussain was held at Qom University of Technology.

According to the university's public relations: A special mourning program for the Arbaeen of Hosseini was held with the presence of Ayatollah Ahadi, organized by the student council of Qom University of Technology.

Ayatollah Ahadi, in his speech, outlined the stages of reaching the state of divine proximity. He regarded the first stage of reaching this state as closeness to God. He added: Every person must pursue the path to happiness. The path is formed solely through closeness to the Almighty. Worldly matters that can bring a person closer to God are enlightening. Education is an enlightening path that can lead a person to divine proximity through serving others.
Ayatollah Ahadi stated: The essence of all humans is pure and divine. Neglecting miracles, forgetting the account of the hereafter, and lacking study and awareness lead to the darkness of the heart and distance from God.

Regarding the Arbaeen pilgrimage, he said: It is the infallible ones (peace be upon them) who invite individuals to the holy sites. The verses and narrations have greatly emphasized the pilgrimage to Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) on foot. Even Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) states: I guarantee those who come to visit me on foot. Additionally, Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) says about the rewards of visiting Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) on foot: Anyone who goes to visit Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) on foot, for every step they take, God records one good deed for them, erases one sin, and raises their status by one degree.
Recitations by the liturgical poet Seyyed Hamid Reza Barghaei and the mourning of the Ahl al-Bayt speaker Karbala’i Naser Rasoulian were other parts of this program.