According to the university's Public Relations Office: The seventh round of the faculty enhancement program for the professors of Qom University of Technology was held with the efforts of the Office of the Supreme Leader's Representative at the university, in the presence of Dr. Golshani, member of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, Dr. Rezai Noore, president of the university, Hojjatoleslam Va Muslimeen Sharifi Doost, head of the Office of the Supreme Leader's Representative at the university, and Dr. Kafayatemand Ghiour, senior advisor to the university president.

In this regard, Dr. Al Omrani Nejad, the secretary of the roundtable at Qom University of Technology, regarded the holding of enhancement courses as one of the most practical tools for familiarizing professors with the political and social viewpoints and components of the sacred Islamic Republic. He stated: The religious, cultural, and spiritual growth of professors is very important and effective in educating committed and efficient students, as the scientific, social, and cultural personality of the students will be shaped by emulating their professors.

Dr. Al Omrani Nejad added regarding the seventh enhancement course for the professors of Qom University of Technology: This course, focusing on the history of science and Islamic civilization, was held over three days at Tarbes University. The history and status of science in human life, as well as the role of professors in the scientific and cultural growth of students, were main themes of this course.