Interview with the President of Qom University of Technology on July 3rd, the Day of the Disclosure of American Human Rights Violations.

 According to the public relations office of the university, Dr. Jalal Rezaei Nour stated in an interview with the reporter from Qom Farda Analytical News Agencythat after World War II, the United States, along with some of its allies in Europe, formed NATO, which led to numerous wars and crimes, effectively becoming a center for the exploitation of nations in collaboration with NATO.
The president of Qom Industrial University continued: The history of U.S. conspiracies and malice against the Iranian nation is extensive and is not limited to the era of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
He added: The coup of August 19, 1953, supporting the tyrannical Pahlavi regime, the formation of the SAVAK and its support, the colonial law of capitulation, which itself set the stage for the humiliation of the great Iranian nation, the attack on Tabas desert, the Noujeh coup, inciting Iraq to attack the people of Iran, where they provided support in terms of intelligence and logistics throughout the imposed war, aiding various groups to create insecurity in Iran, sanctions and economic pressures, supporting and organizing networks and movements opposing the regime, creating a propaganda atmosphere and psychological warfare, approving official budgets in the U.S. Congress to confront the Iranian nation, hindering Iran's access to nuclear and missile technology, destabilizing Iran, and the establishment of ISIS are just a few instances of U.S. crimes against the Iranian nation.
Rezaei Nour pointed to the attack by a U.S. naval ship on an Iranian passenger plane as one of the crimes against the Iranian nation, stating:  Although the entire world recognized that this plane was a passenger aircraft, the United States never expressed regret or compensated the Iranian nation. This is precisely the same world where the U.S. claims to advocate human rights and presents itself as a supporter of human rights; however, it remains a question for the people of the world, including the people of Iran, why the U.S. committed such a crime, especially considering the radar capabilities available to the U.S. at the time, which made it very easy to distinguish between a passenger plane and a military aircraft.
The president of Qom Industrial University stated: The U.S. easily sacrificed 275 passengers, about 200 of whom were Iranian, and the rest from various nationalities, which reflects the Yankee mindset of bullying and American colonialism. It is astonishing how the U.S., despite its claims, has still not apologized for this crime, has not provided compensation, and instead has awarded medals to those responsible for this crime instead of punishing them.
Rezaei Nour pointed out that the U.S. is still the same historical criminal; however, it has changed its model of crime. He emphasized that past wars and crimes committed by the U.S. were carried out directly; but after the disasters in Vietnam, Korea, and other countries, the Americans realized they could not maintain a presence in other countries with their own military forces and resorted to proxy wars.
The president of Qom Industrial University noted: However, the exploitative, colonial, and criminal nature of the U.S. and its allies remains the same; only the form of their wars and crimes has changed, which is referred to as new wars.