According to the university's public relations: The third National Conference on Mathematical Physics was held at Qom University of Technology with the participation of Professor Basius from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium, and professors and experts in mathematical physics from across the country.

At the beginning of this conference, the president of Qom University of Technology welcomed Professor Basius, Dr. Rokni Zadeh, and Dr. Rezai Aghdam, founders of mathematical physics in Iran, and said: Qom University of Technology is proud to have gathered faculty and prominent figures in this field from both within the country and abroad for three consecutive years through the National Conference on Mathematical Physics, to facilitate discussions and exchanges aimed at promoting growth and advancement in this discipline.
Dr. Rezai Noor pointed to the 15-year history of mathematical physics in the country, considering this field as a new branch of physics and mathematics. He added: There are many opportunities for activity in this field. We hope that Islamic Iran can emerge as a renowned country in this discipline, similar to Russia and the United States.
He further stated: Given the positive reception from faculty and experts in this field, we hope that next year, Qom University of Technology will host this conference at an international level.

Dr. Latifi, a faculty member of Qom University of Technology and secretary of the third National Conference on Mathematical Physics, stated: Our goal in holding this conference is to enhance the status of mathematical physics in the country. This conference serves as an excellent opportunity to showcase the scientific achievements of faculty in the field of mathematical physics.
He added: It is promising that enthusiasts and faculty from various parts of the country, including Gonbad Kavous, Yazd, Urmia, Kerman, Isfahan, Zahedan, Babol, Shabestar, Karaj, Shiraz, Urmia, Arak, etc., have participated in this great scientific event.
Regarding the submitted papers for this conference, he said: We have received 81 papers from different parts of Iran; 31 papers were selected for poster presentation and 4 papers for oral presentations, with 10 individuals registered to attend this conference.
The secretary of the third National Conference on Mathematical Physics mentioned the main themes of the symposium, stating: Dynamic systems, fluid mechanics, gravity and cosmology, and mathematical theory are among the main topics of this symposium.
The keynote lecture by Professor Basius, along with nine other scientific presentations and a visit to the poster hall, were other sections of this scientific event.