The construction of the first flat two-axis stretching machine with numerical control capability and industrial capacity in the country by a faculty member of Qom University of Technology.

According to the public relations of the university: The first biaxial flat tensile testing machine with numerical control capabilities and industrial capacity in the country has been constructed by Dr. Mohammad Sadegh Mohabi, a faculty member of the Mechanical Engineering/Manufacturing Department at Qom University of Technology, in collaboration with engineer Nikakhah, a master's degree student at this university.
Dr. Mohabi stated regarding the necessity of constructing this device: The stresses exerted on metallic and non-metallic sheets during manufacturing and forming processes are often biaxial and tensile in nature. Additionally, the stresses applied to various shells, such as fabric, leather, and bio-textiles, are of a multiaxial type. For the accurate analysis and prediction of sheet and shell behavior, it is essential that the relevant quantities be determined precisely in the laboratory.
He added: Since biaxial tensile testing is the best tool for this purpose, a device is required that can apply specific displacements in two orthogonal axes according to a predetermined program and simultaneously measure and record the resistance of the sample under this loading. Accordingly, for the first time in the country, a device has been designed and built for this purpose, capable of applying various strain ratios, rates, and paths, with the capacity to test industrial sheets and shells.
The faculty member of Qom University of Technology said: The design and construction of the mentioned device took one year, in collaboration with the master's student of this university, Engineer Mohammad Nikakhah, and the stages for patent registration and commercialization are underway.
Dr. Mohabi emphasized: The design of this device, including the overall layout, structural design, and mechanical mechanism, is entirely original and indigenous and has not been modeled after any foreign examples.
Regarding the application of the first biaxial flat tensile testing machine with numerical control capabilities and industrial capacity, he stated: This machine will be used in the automotive, sheet metal, polymer, textile, leather, and biomedical engineering industries. It is also applicable in measuring and plotting the anisotropic yield surface, understanding the anisotropic plastic behavior, plotting forming limit diagrams (FLD), understanding the dependency of formability of various sheets on strain paths, and understanding the mechanical properties and behavior of various shells (fabric, leather, bio-textiles, etc.).
The faculty member of Qom University of Technology added about the features of this machine: It is capable of conducting uniaxial and biaxial tests with tensile/tensile, tensile/compressive, and compressive/compressive loadings, has a special structural design to achieve maximum stiffness and absence of bending moments, easy access to adjustable sections, easy access to jaws for securing and releasing samples, and easy access to moving components in maintenance processes are among its unique features.
He added: The loading program for different tests and the data storage is done through a user panel equipped with HMI and a specialized user interface software.
Dr. Mohabi said: The construction of this device with the effort and participation of Qom University of Technology students, especially at a time when numerous economic challenges hinder scientific and industrial research in the country, is a testament to the valuable potential capabilities present in the human resources and students of this university, which can be realized with the material and moral support of university officials.
In conclusion, he expressed hope that the construction of this device could be beneficial in promoting relevant academic and industrial research in the country and added: Currently, the first example of the biaxial flat tensile testing machine has been installed and launched at Qom University of Technology to be used for educational and research objectives of the faculty and students of this university, especially in the mechanical and polymer engineering departments. Moreover, through the planning carried out, providing laboratory services to scientific and industrial centers outside the university is feasible.