The President of Qom Industrial University: Candidates should focus on discussing their plans instead of negative portrayals.


The president of Qom University of Technology stated that some candidates should talk about their programs instead of resorting to negative campaigning, saying: In previous rounds, Shahid Raisi always spoke about his programs for the advancement of the country during his electoral campaigns, and now candidates should take this approach as a model. 

 Dr. Jalal Rezaei Nour congratulated the occasion of the Eid of Wilayat in an interview with the news analyst and reporting agency Qom Farda and stated: Considering the upcoming fourteenth presidential election and the fact that we have not moved far from the martyrdom of Shahid Raisi and the martyrs of service, it can be said that the characteristics of Shahid Raisi serve as a benchmark and a standard for an ideal president. 

The president of Qom University of Technology continued: Shahid Ayatollah Raisi serves as a model for a good president in every respect. He was an exemplary manager, moral, hardworking, knowledgeable, and scholarly. If we refer to the statements of the Supreme Leader, he said to choose a president who is active, industrious, knowledgeable, and believes in the foundations of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He added: All the characteristics that the Supreme Leader mentioned for a president are fully embodied in Shahid Ayatollah Raisi, and it is expected that the next president to be elected will possess these traits.

 Dr. Rezaei Nour pointed out that unfortunately, in debates and electoral campaigns, some candidates and their supporters resort to negative campaigning, emphasizing: Unfortunately, some of the discussions raised in the debates are not correct. Given that six presidential candidates are among the experienced leaders and managers at the administrative level within the Islamic Republic of Iran; however, some of the discussions presented are not true.

The president of Qom University of Technology noted: The statements made by some candidates are neither correct nor can presenting them in this manner help the people and the country. If work and efforts are being made at the national level, just as valuable tasks and actions have been carried out, it constitutes a resume and background for the entire Islamic Republic of Iran.

He stated: These valuable actions should not be judged so easily or questioned in a way that gives off a negative impression. If there are discussions, claims, or evidence, they must be presented and addressed through the appropriate authorities.

 Dr. Rezaei Nour continued: The best and most correct approach for debates and electoral campaigns would be for some respected candidates to focus on presenting their programs instead of negative campaigning. Of course, some of the presidential candidates have genuinely adopted this approach and focus on presenting their own programs rather than maligning others.

The president of Qom University of Technology mentioned: Just as in previous cycles, Shahid Ayatollah Raisi took this approach in his debates and electoral campaigns by presenting his programs and ideas for the country's development.

He emphasized: Presidential election candidates should take Shahid Ayatollah Raisi as a model and focus on presenting their professionally developed programs and discuss their future plans to improve the situation of the country.