The president of Qom University of Technology said: By attending the polling stations, we show respect for ourselves and affirm our dignity and the right to make decisions within the governance.
Dr. Jalal Rezaei Nour stated: The issue of elections in any country has a direct connection to public participation in policymaking, decision-making, and legislation at the national level, especially in the elections of the Islamic Consultative Assembly and the Assembly of Experts. If the people of Iran value their decisions and viewpoints, which they certainly do, it is necessary for them to show up at the polling stations.
The president of Qom University of Technology continued: On the eleventh of Esfand, the people of Iran will freely cast their votes among the candidates for the Islamic Consultative Assembly and the Assembly of Experts.
He added: By attending the polling stations, we show respect for ourselves, affirm our dignity and the right to make decisions within the governance, and effectively help ourselves.
Dr. Rezaei Nour emphasized: We observe that foreign media, which have repeatedly shown their animosity towards us, the people of Iran, are looking to instill despair among the population and seek to strip people of their participation and rights. These entities are not concerned about the Iranian nation, and naturally, what they say is in complete contradiction with what reason, logic, and our obligations dictate.
The president of Qom University of Technology asserted: We believe that the Iranian system is an Islamic democracy and a republic system, and according to the words of Imam Khomeini (RA), "the Islamic Republic" is neither one word less nor one word more; in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the people hold rights in governance, and this voting system is sufficient to establish and confirm the sacred term of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
He noted that we observe electoral engagement among the people and various sectors, including students, stating: We are also making efforts to activate this capacity at the university by organizing explanatory programs and empowering student political organizations and various student bodies to participate enthusiastically and energetically in the election discussions because student activities significantly impact their surrounding community.
Dr. Rezaei Nour stressed: We invite various academic sectors and community members to prove to the world through their presence at polling stations that negative propaganda has no effect on the Iranian nation, and while demanding their rights, they stand by the revolution, the ideals of the system, and the martyrs, showing that participating in elections effectively affirms their presence in governance and respects their rights.