The President of Qom University of Technology stated: The vitality of the university in elections hinges on the concerns of students.

According to the public relations department of the university and quoted by the ISNA news agency, Dr. Jalal Rezaei Noor, the president of Qom University of Technology, stated regarding the role of universities in elections: In all revolutions and transformations from the past to the present, the role of universities has been significant, and particularly in our country, the role of seminaries and universities in the formation of the revolution and its development has been pronounced.
He mentioned that we are currently operating differently and strongly in the field of scientific jihad at a global level, saying: One of the indicators of the development of any society is the existence of an educated class. Naturally, this elite generation and academic community can influence thinking, beliefs, and attitudes within society.
 Dr. Rezaei Noor remarked: Our academic community, including professors and students, is consulted on various issues, and therefore, the perspectives of our academic community can undoubtedly influence both their family environment and the larger community; thus, the role of the university in important arenas such as elections is unparalleled.
The president of Qom University of Technology continued: The decrease in participation rates is a natural phenomenon. Even in developed societies, about 20 to 30 percent feel a sense of responsibility and concern and engage in participation; in our country, the participation rate is not less than this amount, so in my opinion, we have a favorable situation compared to global standards.
 Dr. Rezaei Noor said: We have always pursued maximum participation within the Islamic Republic and stressed that all members of society in the country should be influential and able to shape their own fates through their choices; we, as officials, pursue this concern and strive to perform our duties correctly.
The dynamism of the university environment depends on the concerns of students
He pointed out that the current reduction in enthusiasm and excitement at the university regarding elections is dependent on multiple factors, adding: The concurrent timing of elections with exam periods, the reduction of the student population compared to the past, and the relative increase in comfort, which has lessened people's concerns, as well as the focus on online businesses and entertainment in the virtual space, are factors that contribute to the reduced excitement for elections at the university.
The president of Qom University of Technology stated: The concerns of our student generation, unlike in previous years when political issues were prominent, do not exist now. Currently, many services provided to our students are online, ensuring very quick access; thus, as a consequence, the level of comfort has increased, and correspondingly, our younger generation is less engaged in politics, while certainly being concerned about various cultural, sports, political, and social issues leads to greater dynamism among students in the university and community.
He reminded that our decision-making in the domain of scientific associations and political organizations is guided and planned according to the comprehensive regulations of universities within the university’s cultural council. This council meets continuously, and its decisions are seriously implemented, so much so that in the cultural domain, Qom University of Technology ranks third in per capita cultural activity and fourth in the number of cultural activities among universities in the country; these indicators reflect our investment in student associations and organizations.
The necessity of attention to knowledge-based and technology units by the future President
 Dr. Rezaei Noor stated that the laws of the country are strongly supportive of expanding knowledge-based products and services, and this trend should be pursued by the future President, emphasizing: The future president's perspective on universities is clearly outlined in the statements of the Supreme Leader and the broader policies of the country; we should be prominent in both theoretical and applied sciences globally.
He stated: Our concern is the increasing growth of technological units and knowledge-based companies; today, we have over 9,000 technological units and knowledge-based companies in the country, and this is significant as the younger generation seeks to establish the foundation of the economy on domestic production, focusing on entrepreneurship and transforming knowledge into service and technology.
He emphasized: A new department entitled the Department of Technology was formed within the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology during the thirteenth government, indicating that converting knowledge into technology and products is of great importance, and the government's attention to the technology sector has increased the motivation of academics to work in knowledge-based fields, and we see its effects in the rise of knowledge-based companies.
Dr. Rezaei Noor stated: Ayatollah Raisi can serve as a good model for a balanced president; a president who is knowledgeable, pious, committed, people-oriented, honest, and hard-working, thus Ayatollah Raisi can be a good role model for the next president.
The president of Qom University of Technology concluded by inviting all members of society to participate in the elections, saying: Undoubtedly, if I, as a citizen, do not feel a concern for my own fate, I cannot expect transformative changes for my country.