In a statement released by the public relations office of Dr. Rezaei Nour, the President of Qom University of Technology, he congratulated the elected President and expressed gratitude for the enthusiastic participation of the people at the ballot boxes. The full text of this message is as follows: In the name of God, I extend my condolences on the occasion of the arrival of the month of Muharram and honor the memory of the martyrs of the May flight. The epic participation of the people in the fourteenth presidential election was truly remarkable and indescribable. The noble and honorable people of Iran demonstrated their appreciation to the martyrs, especially the martyrs of the May flight, through their enthusiastic presence at the ballot boxes. The perceptive and insightful people of Iran proclaimed with every vote that they are once again on the scene and stand ready to defend the honor of our dear Iran to the end. On behalf of the community of Qom University of Technology, I would like to congratulate Dr. Mehdizadeh, who has been elected as the fourteenth President of the Iranian nation by the votes of the noble and martyr-loving people. I sincerely appreciate and acknowledge the political enthusiasm and awareness of the people of Iran for their vigorous participation at the ballot boxes. While wishing success and honor for the elected President Dr. Mehdizadeh, I hope that the faculty, students, and staff of this university can also take small steps toward the glory of Islamic Iran under the leadership of the Supreme Leader, may his shadow be prolonged, while safeguarding the blood of the martyrs.