The President of Qom University of Technology's Appreciation for the University Students' Basij

According to the public relations office of the university: Concurrent with the week and day of Basij, during a meeting, Dr. Rezaei Noor, the President of Qom University of Technology, commended and expressed gratitude for the scientific, cultural, religious, and political activities of the Basij student organization at the university.
Dr. Rezaei Noor stated: I myself am also a Basiji and am acquainted with your concerns and problems. Given the programs and activities that the Basij student organization at Qom University of Technology has undertaken so far, including the Al-Tah jihad camps in the country and the province, they are quite significant.
He added: As the Supreme Leader (may he live long) has said: Our expectation from Basij is scientific jihad and the production of knowledge. In pursuing this important goal, you should strive and make extra efforts. Certainly, with the signing of a cooperation agreement between Qom University of Technology and the Navy of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the groundwork for scientific jihad has been further facilitated.

The President of Qom University of Technology added: Basijis have a serious duty, as they must be active in both knowledge and action. Basij is not a political organization; it is a comprehensive organization that does not belong to any specific faction or movement. If Basij is viewed in this light, the Basij culture will become more widespread.
He said: The valor and heroism of Basijis during the 8 years of Sacred Defense and the spirit of Basij after the war contributed to the victory and prosperity of Islamic Iran.
Dr. Rezaei Noor regarded Basijis as the builders of unprotected trenches and added: Fairness, empathy, cooperation, self-sacrifice, effort, and altruism instead of selfishness are among the characteristics of Basijis. Undoubtedly, the prevalence of these qualities in society will lead to the development and comprehensive growth of the country.
Subsequently, Mr. Akbari, the head of the Basij student organization at Qom University of Technology, expressed gratitude to Dr. Rezaei Noor for holding this meeting and said: Basij is a reality akin to legends. Fortunately, at Qom University of Technology, with the presence of active and insightful students, we have a vibrant and proactive student Basij that is actively engaged in political, scientific, cultural, and jihad-related activities in a focused and motivated manner. With this approach, the Al-Tah jihad group succeeded in being selected as the best jihad group in the province and the country for three consecutive years.

He added: Our goal is service. In Basij, we seek political work, not political maneuvering. One of our priorities in Basij is scientific jihad, which, thank God, has been adequately adhered to by the scientific and research deputy of the Basij student organization at Qom University of Technology through the organization of necessary training and research courses for students.
Mr. Akbari noted that the Basij student organization currently has 16 deputies, and added: Following the planning carried out in pursuit of scientific jihad, Basij has been positioned as an assisting force alongside the scientific associations of the university, helping them in organizing programs and training courses.
This meeting concluded with Dr. Rezaei Noor, the President of Qom University of Technology, presenting a certificate of appreciation to the members of the Basij student organization.