A pedestrian bridge will soon be constructed in front of Qom University of Technology.

According to the public relations office of the university: In response to the repeated requests of students and the comprehensive follow-ups of the officials at Qom Industrial University for the construction of an overhead pedestrian bridge in front of the university, a pedestrian bridge will soon be constructed in front of this university after a multi-party meeting with provincial officials.
Considering the heavy traffic on Sardar Martyr Khodakaram Boulevard and the threat to the safety of students crossing this thoroughfare, a joint meeting was held with provincial officials following extensive advocacy by university officials. This meeting took place at Qom Industrial University and was attended by Engineer Orouei, advisor to Dr. Amirabadi, the representative of the people of Qom in the Islamic Consultative Assembly; Captain Rastami, a representative of the provincial traffic police; Engineer Nik, the acting head of the provincial traffic organization; and Engineer Zeyghami, a representative of the electricity department.
During this meeting, with the comprehensive support of Engineer Orouei and the review of correspondence undertaken and the presentation of various solutions, it was decided that in order to ensure the safety of students, a pedestrian bridge will soon be constructed in front of Qom Industrial University.