According to the university's public relations report: The faculty enhancement course at Qom University of Technology will be held in September of this year.
Dr. Alimran Nejad, the secretary of the professors' think tank at Qom University of Technology, announced the holding of the first council meeting of the professors' think tank with a new approach.
At the beginning of this council, which was held in the office of the representative of the Supreme Leader at the university, Hojjatoleslam Val Muslimin Sharifi Doost, the head of the university's think tank council, emphasized the importance of the council's goals and missions, stating that the educational role of professors and the pursuit of the Leader's demands at the university is very important and fundamental.
Following the relevant regulations (membership of three faculty members in the think tank council), Dr. Soleimani, Dr. Mahjal, and Dr. Sahebi were elected and approved for membership in the professors' think tank council.

At the end, Dr. Rezaei Nooreh, the university president, expressed his satisfaction with the holding of the enhancement courses and emphasized the need to transform the status of professors, announcing the university's readiness to conduct think tank sessions throughout the year.
Dr. Rezaei Nooreh stated: To improve the quantity and quality of cultural programs, we will designate a specific hour as cultural time in collaboration with the vice president of education and research, during which all cultural activities will be held.
It is noteworthy that at this council, a proposal to hold an enhancement course in September (preferably as a family event in Mashhad Ardehal) was approved.