For the first time, Qom University of Technology has entered the international ranking system Scimago.

 According to the public relations office of the university, based on the 2023 rankings announced by SCImago, Qom University of Technology has entered this global ranking system for the first time, achieving the 190th position among educational and research institutions, both public and private, affiliated with the Ministry of Science, as well as the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. The SCImago ranking system is conducted by a research group of the same name at the University of Granada in Spain and has been evaluating and ranking universities and scientific-research institutions worldwide since 2009. This international ranking system evaluates and ranks institutions based on the number of scientific articles available in their Scopus database. In this ranking, a combined approach is used with three indicators: research, innovation, and social impact, weighted as follows: research accounts for 50%, innovation 30%, and social impact 20%. This organization annually announces the ranking results for around 5,000 educational and research institutions worldwide. Any university or research institution with more than 100 published articles in the Scopus database is considered in this evaluation system. The evaluated scientific and research institutions are categorized into four main groups: public, higher education, health, and private institutions, with each one’s global rank announced among this collection of institutions. For ranking purposes, the computation each year concludes based on results obtained over a five-year period, ending two years prior to the publication of this ranking. Considering that the year of the report's publication is 2023, the results used correspond to the five-year period from 2017 to 2021.