Engineer Hamid Reza Bashari Ford, a professor at Qom Industrial University, has been able to respond to two primary needs of electricity distribution companies, regional electricity companies, and power generation plants by presenting two innovative products at the International Electricity Industry Exhibition and Technology Market. These two products are the result of his continuous efforts and four years of research under the guidance of Dr. Saeed Hassan Zadeh, a faculty member of the Electrical Engineering Department at Qom Industrial University. In this context, reputable journal articles have also been published in collaboration with foreign professors Dr. Siyano, Dr. Kamva, and Dr. Mooi, who are members of the faculty at universities in Italy and Canada. One of these two devices is the Ultrasonic Partial Discharge Locator system for detecting insulating faults in transmission and distribution lines, while the other system is a monitoring device for power transformers that automatically and online predicts insulation faults before breakdowns and locates them in three dimensions. Among the advantages of localizing these two products are preventing premature outages and reducing foreign currency outflow from the country. These two products can be manufactured at a price approximately $20,000 less than similar foreign models. It is worth noting that part of the costs of these two projects has been funded by university grants, with the remainder being invested personally. Undoubtedly, with further support from Tavanir Company and its subsidiaries, these laboratory samples can be transformed into industrial prototypes, making their commercialization feasible.