According to the university's public relations office, Dr. Marjani, head of the monitoring and evaluation group at Qom University of Technology, announced the ranking of universities in the country by the Institute for Scientific and Technological Monitoring of the Islamic World (ISC). He added: This ranking is based on information covering the period from 2018 to 2020 and is based on six criteria: education (weight 30%), research (weight 25%), technology and innovation (weight 20%), internationalization (weight 10%), economic impact (weight 10%), and social services, infrastructure, and facilities (weight 5%). The head of the monitoring and evaluation group at Qom University of Technology stated: In this ranking, Qom University of Technology ranked 65th among 111 universities in the country, which marks an improvement of 22 places compared to last year's ranking. It is worth noting that considering the university's budget, facilities, number of faculty members, and number of students in comparison with larger universities that sometimes hold lower positions, the value and significance of the current rank become more evident and represent a clear case of efficiency at scale. He added: Reviewing the budgets of universities in 2020 (the final year of the ranking) shows that Qom University of Technology holds the 89th position in terms of total operating budget, but in the difference between the overall rank of the university and the budget rank (as a measure of performance efficiency), it achieved the 6th rank among universities in the country. It is also noteworthy that Qom University of Technology ranked 17th among 25 industrial universities in the country, which is a climb of 3 ranks compared to last year.