By : روابط عمومی On : 2024/11/12

Free Thought Forums


Free Thought Forums

Free Thought Forum: A gathering where university members freely, systematically, politely, respectfully, rationally, and logically discuss specific topics in the presence of an audience, expressing their opinions and exchanging ideas, supported by arguments or evidence.

Types of Forums: In terms of function, forums can be divided into two categories:

1.Forums are aimed at producing new knowledge and ideas: These are held in two formats:

a.Theory Building: Presenting a new scientific theory that is the product of systematic research and possesses the necessary academic level, with a sound logical basis, sufficient hypotheses and evidence, a suitable scientific structure, and practical applications.

b.Critique: A well-founded and documented examination of the strengths and weaknesses of a school of thought, theory, opinion, or scientific work, with the aim of refuting or completing that theory, while adhering to the relevant academic literature and the logic and ethics of critique, and having a clear theoretical framework and scientific structure.

Note: Theory building, critique, and debate forums will be held within the framework of the regulations and bylaws of the Council for the Support of Theory Building, Critique, and Debate, as approved by the Supreme Cultural Revolution Council.

Forums primarily aimed at the clash of ideas, rationalizing the environment, and gradually clarifying the truth, serving as a prelude and foundation for the production of knowledge: These are held in two formats:

a.Debate: Any face-to-face, systematic, and logical discussion between two experts who critically challenge each other's views and opinions on a specific topic to determine the superior viewpoint. This is held according to the bylaws of university Islamic associations or the Council for the Support of Theory Building.

Any of the following groups or individuals may submit a request to hold a forum to the founding committee:

* Any Islamic association, Basij student organization, Basij faculty association, scientific association, or cultural-artistic center.

* At least 3 university members (students or faculty).

* Any member of the cultural council.

* Any member of the founding committee.