By : مدیر پرتال On : 2021/06/26

Students services

Student services:

Since more than 90 per cent of those who use University's network are students and majority of student services are done electronically, all the students will be given a username and password in the network. Each student can access these services (in the same order) using their username:

  1. Using systems connected to the University's network.
  2. Using University's internet through computers in different sites as well as personal computers.
  3. Using University's internal wireless network.
  4. Having access to a personal digital space to save information
  5. Having access to scientific websites which the University has subscribed in.
  6. Having access to the University's software and electronic services.

The most important goal of the Information and Technology Center of the university is to provide students and teachers with a high speed and quality internet. In order to achieve the aforesaid goal and have access to other services of the network, this center has made some infrastructures available. Some of the most important ones are as follow:

  1. Developing wired and wireless network with high speed and quality all over the University.
  2. Using an appropriate bandwidth suitable for a large number of users.
  3. Using appropriate and powerful software to manage users' access to internet and internet's bandwidth.

In this regard, 6 different places with more than 80 computers in different faculties and research and education centers are provided to facilitate students' access to internet. This would enable them to take care of their computer affairs effortlessly and quickly.

It is also worth mentioning that, the Information unit has put many plans in its agenda including: enlarging spaces allocated to computer sites, developing wireless network in all educational, administrative and recreational spaces specially women's dormitory located inside the University as well as providing both Men and Women's sites with more computers.

Below you can find information on Qom University of Technology computer workshops:

Men's Internet Workshop:

This workshop with more than 52 computers provide students with internet services from 8:00 until 18:00.

Women's Internet Workshop:

This workshop with more than 30 computers provide students with internet services from 8:00 until 18:00.

Graduate Students' Internet Workshop:

This workshop with more than 15 computers provide students with internet services from 8:00 until 18:00.

Special Workshop:

This workshop with more than 21 computers provide students with a space to hold practical classes.

These workshops are open from 8:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18: 00.