By : مدیر پرتال On : 2012/10/31

Student Services

Student Services:
Considering that more than 90 percent of the users on the university network are students, and many student services are provided electronically, usernames and personal passwords are issued for all students in the university network.

Each student has access to the following services in order of priority using their username:

1- The ability to use the systems connected to the university network

2- The ability to use the university's internet via available computers on-site and personal computers

3- The ability to connect to the university's wireless network

4- The ability to access personal information storage space

5- The ability to access academic websites that the university is associated with

6- The ability to access the university's software and electronic services

Providing quality and high-speed internet service with ease for faculty and students is the primary goal and work plan of the university's IT center, which has established appropriate infrastructure for achieving this goal and accessing other network services, the most important of which include:

1- Development of the network in both wired and wireless formats with suitable speed and quality across the university

2- Use of high bandwidth internet suitable for the number of users

3- Use of robust and appropriate software for managing users' access to the internet and internet bandwidth

In this regard, a space for computer workshops with over 21 computers has been dedicated across the faculties and educational-research units of the university to provide quick and easy access for students to computers and the network for performing computing tasks and using the internet.

It is worth mentioning that the IT department has included the expansion of equipped computer workshop spaces, the development of wireless networks in all educational, administrative, and welfare spaces, especially in student dormitories situated within the university, and the increase in the number of computers at the sites for female and male students in its work plan.

Information and statistics regarding computer sites dedicated to students at Qom Industrial University are as follows:

Site No. 1:

This site, equipped with 19 computers, provides internet service to all registered students from 8 AM to 6 PM.

Site No. 2:

This site, equipped with 19 computers, provides internet service to all registered students from 8 AM to 6 PM.

Library Site  :
This site, equipped with 10 computers, is ready to serve students without systems from 8 AM to 6 PM.

Service hours at the sites are from 8 AM to 12 PM in the mornings and from 2 PM to 6 PM in the afternoons.