Dr. Ali Kuhestani Assistant Professor |
:Educational Background
PostDoc researcher in Electrical Engineering (Communication Systems), Department of Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (Sept 2018- Apr 2020) Project: Physical Layer Security in Internet of Things (IoT) Supervisor: Prof. Hamid Behroozi |
PhD. in Electrical Engineering (Communication Systems), Department of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (Sept 2013-Nov 2017) Thesis: Physical Layer Security in Untrusted Relaying Networks Supervisor: Prof. Abbas Mohammadi |
MSc. in Electrical Engineering (Communication Systems), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran (Sept 2010- Sept 20) Thesis: Design of Linear Disoersion Space-Time Codes Using Genetic Algorithm Supervisor: Prof. Paeiz Azmi |
:Research Interests
3. Kuhestani, A. Mohammadi, and P. L. Yeoh, “Security-Reliability Trade-off in Cyber-Physical Cooperative Systems with Non-Ideal Untrusted Relaying,” in Proc. IEEE WF-IoT conf. Singapore, Feb. 2018.
:Awards and Honors
Received the scholarship for 2019 and 2020 Overseas Young Scientist Forum organized by PCL, in Shenzhen, China *
.Received the Postdoc position at Sharif University of Technology *
.Member of Iran’s National Elites Foundation (INEF) *
.Outstanding student during the PhD period *
:Selected Projects